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The TORCH 6 Our First Service

The TORCH: The Way Church Newsletter 6: Our First Service

Dear Friends of The Way Church,  

Happy 2024 everyone! I hope that you had a great Christmas celebration and that you are off to a great start to our new year!

First Service!

I wanted to take a minute and update everybody on what God is doing at The Way Church! This past Sunday, January 7th , we held our first Sunday morning worship service! We saw a couple of first time visitors and most of our core group was able to be with us as we gathered for worship. I believe we had a total of 18 people in attendance for our first service. There is definitely work to be done, and ways to make things run more smoothly but overall we have received very encouraging feedback from those who were with us.

We began a short series on Sunday called “ I Will Build My Church” . We are focusing on Christ as our cornerstone and how He uses us as He does what only He can do in the hearts and lives of people around us. As He builds The Way Church, we are learning how we can join Him in His work in Wadsworth.


This Sunday we will kickoff MISSION Kids! Our children will be learning a lesson each Sunday that mirrors what the adults are learning. We are doing this for a few reasons. 1. It helps our adults teach their children at home. Sometimes it can feel overwhelming to teach the bible to our children especially if we are new to Christ. This will give the adults common ground with their children in what each are learning from God’s Word each week. We are also using this format because in our infancy we have a limited amount of people to invest in our children. This will help streamline what the children are learning and help the teacher as they facilitate with the kids.

What’s Next?

As we begin Sunday morning services we are calling this the beginning of chapter two. Chapter one began in September as we began building our core group. Chapter three will begin on April 28th with our official launch. In chapter two our prayer is that God will continue to add to The Way Church. We are asking Him to add His presence with us in every way. We are asking for God to add to our number as we begin inviting our friends to join us on Sunday morning. We are asking God to add to our team as people start attending, that they would feel led to help in various capacities. We are asking God to add to our finances as we continue to add to our ministry and prepare to promote our launch service in April. We also are asking for Him to add to our finances so that we might expand the size and scope of our influence in Wadsworth through servant evangelism. It is our desire to meet tangible needs in our community as a bridge for people to have their Spiritual needs met by Jesus. God continues to provide for us in ways that can only be explained by giving the glory to Him. Please pray that God continues to open doors for us and that we stay close to Him as we keep moving forward.

Thank You!

If you are receiving this newsletter it is because you have decided to be a partner with The Way in one way or another. Thank you to everyone who is praying for us. God hears you and He is blessing us because of you. Thank you to those who are giving to The Way. The Lord seems to be multiplying every dollar that comes in. We cannot thank you enough for your generosity and for helping us so much. Thank you to everyone who has been with us for a visit. We are always honored to have you with us at a service or an event. We are truly thankful for each of you, we consider you partners and Friends of The Way Church!

Thank you for taking the time to read this today. I am praying that 2024 will be a great year for each of you and we are excited to see what God will do at The Way Church throughout this year.

If there’s any way we can minister to you, please do not hesitate to let us know.

Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and New Year!

In His Service,

Pastor Steve Lead Pastor @ The Way Church


Phone: 330-703-2158 (Call or Text if you need anything)

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The Way Church Wadsworth © 2025. All Rights Reserved.

Pastor Steve Fox